Thursday, May 20, 2010

If Jesus were to have a GARDEN~which plants do u think he'd grow besides a rose bush?

and why?

If Jesus were to have a GARDEN~which plants do u think he'd grow besides a rose bush?
Dogwood because people say the blooms are the physical representation of him on the cross. Least that's what the folks down south say...
Reply:Psychedelic mushrooms so anyone would ever believe in his fairy tales.
Reply:A dogwood tree, he was very attached to one once.
Reply:Jesus has a garden.He has many beautiful flowers .I am a flower planted in the garden of my God.Are you ? I pray so.%26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
Reply:Wandering Jew
Reply:He'd probably have a weed or two
Reply:Grapes for wine, of course!
Reply:Jesus was a subsistance farmer when he was young. Most likely he would grow vegetables and fruit. Most people of the Bronze Age didn't grow gardens as displays but rather as a source of food.
Reply:Lilies to give people something to think about.

Catnip for his cat.

Weeds (tares)to give the wheat something to struggle against.

Lemon basil cause it smells so good.

Hyssop for a healing herb.

Golden apples in the sun, for sweetness and tart.

Chickweed, which Gandhi said if people would eat it, there would be no hunger cause it grows like a weed everywhere and is very nutritious.

Edible pod peas cause you can eat them right off the bush

Strawberries for the same reason..

He's play his guitar for the plants to make them happy and anyone else that came by.

Pomegranates to feed to the birds, alfalfa and clover for the deer.
Reply:Ginger from Hawaii. It smells like fine parfum.

Gardenia from South Africa. " " " " "

Pointsetia from Mexico. Reminds me of Christmas.

Lilies. Remind me of the Resurrection.

Lots of different fruit trees.

All sorts of trees for beauty.

I Cr 13;8a
Reply:He does have a garden - it's his people and he wants them to be each their own specific plant with it's own special fruit - the key is - he wants plants with lots of fruit! If you don't have lots of fruit - he will prune your life. If you have no fruit - that's serious issue!
Reply:Definately not a Apple tree! He wouldn't want history to repeat itself!..*lol* No seriously, how about a orchid, or lily? They are so delicate and beautiful!
Reply:The Bird of Paradise of course.
Reply:Amanita muscaria his favorite fungi

Cannabis indica/sativa his favorite smoke

Mustard plants - for the seeds (Matthew 13)

Wheat - to make your daily bread

Grapes - for wine
Reply:If Jesus were to have a garden other than a rose bush, I think it will be a garden full of olives. Olives is very useful than making wine because wines make you drunk but olive oil from these trees can make us healthy all year round.No cholesterol will attack us from olives but wine is making our minds go numb when we are on the influence of being drunk.This is just a hypothetical situation I'm implying in real life.

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