Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hello, can anyone tell me how long it will take for a rose to bloom?

I'm new at gardening and I want to plant some roses, they are the rose bush, roots kind, no leaves on them. So if I plant them now in spring how long will they take to bloom? Thanks a lot

Hello, can anyone tell me how long it will take for a rose to bloom?
I always plant bare root roses. When they leaf out, sometimes they set buds as well. I always pinch off the buds so the plant will put energy into developing the roots. If the plant is looking great by August, I will sometimes let a couple of flowers open. Otherwise, I keep pinching off the buds the first season.
Reply:Most roses will bloom the first season,meaning if you planted now and your bush prospers then you should have roses by late june and on untill frost.
Reply:They will flower about june time
Reply:At least 8 hours but not more than 68 years.

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