Monday, May 11, 2009

Can you grow a rosebush from a cut rose from my garden?

I have the best smelling rosebush I have ever smelled and want another. I do not know the name of it since it was already planted at the house I purchased many years ago. I recently transplanted the bush to my new house by following instructions I found on the internet.Since that was so successful I thought someone may be able to help me with this.

Can you grow a rosebush from a cut rose from my garden?
put the cuttings in water

when flower fades snip the cut end at a slant angle

you could dip the end in rooting hormone but not nesessary

makes a few slices in the angle cut to give room for roots to spread

put the cutting in some good dirt, water well, and cover the whole thing with a glass jar, like a canning jar, or mayo jar.

This makes a little greenhouse to keep moisture and humidity.

Leave it go for a while.....but make sre the soil stays relatively moist.

when it is hard to pull up from the ground (be careful checking) you have root!!!
Reply:yes you can go to a good garden center and pick up a tub of cutting/root powder this should help, i dont think you are suppose to take a cutting from a stem in flower, but a good solid shoot which has no bud on it, also its at its best growing time so should root well

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