Thursday, April 30, 2009

Can i plant moss roses in a rose garden as ground cover?

I have a garden full of roses... and was wondering if it would affect the rose bushes to plant moss roses as ground cover?

Can i plant moss roses in a rose garden as ground cover?
I don't see why not. Roses would not be affected by them at all. They could act as a sort of living mulch. What a good idea.
Reply:I would not put moss roses in a rose garden as the roses need to be water 2-3 times a week. deep watering promotes a deep root system .

If roses do not get enough water they will drop leaves, grow smaller leaves or stop blooming.

Moss roses do best in dry situations with a lot of full sun, they are better for beds, for edgings and for rock work.

Moss roses also can get powdery mildew and that would get to your roses.

The moss roses that I have did good in a small bed and that way I could deadhead(pitch off the dead roses) them and it makes them have more roses for the hold summer.

Also at the end of summer if you leave the last roses and let them die they will reseed the bed for next year.
Reply:Not really since rose roots are much deeper. You might want to add some marigolds since they repel some insects.

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