Saturday, November 19, 2011

Looking for the best RED Rose for my garden?


When it comes to red MR LINCOLN is the top of the list. Dark rich red and the smell is Rose Heaven. Has a great history of little or no problems. Last time I checked the AMERICAN ROSE SOCIETY had given it a 9.0 on a scale of 1 thru 10. I personally would never touch any Rose under an 8.0 rating. My Mr Lincoln is about 15 years old. It was out of some of the first on the market. By age 15 most Roses should have pooped out years ago, my mine is every bit as nice as year # one.

Mr Lincoln is # one when it comes to red Tea Roses.

Looking for the best RED Rose for my garden?
Lincoln is beautiful, it depends on if you want a strong rose smell or what shade of red you want. try Jackson and Perkins site or heirloom roses site both are helpful.
Reply:Hi. I only have two red roses in my garden, but one stands out as my favorite of all the different roses I have planted. It's a hybrid tea named Miranda. It has been very hard and bushy even when the rest of my roses have looked very spindley this year. It's best feature is the smell of it's roses. The wonderful aroma these roses produce and can be smelled from across the yard.

My other red rose is a climbing rose named 'Don Quan.' It produces a beautiful rose which is actually prettier than Miranda's and lasts longer, but no fragrance and the plant has been a little more tempermental than the 'Miranda.'
Reply:Abe Lincoln variety

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