Saturday, November 19, 2011

Did President Bush seem a little hysterical today during his press conference in the Rose Garden?

It is certain that he was really upset about the revolt among some prominent Senate Republicans concerning his plans to interrogate prisoners in controvention to the rules of the Geneva Convention, regarding treatment of prisoners of war.

Did President Bush seem a little hysterical today during his press conference in the Rose Garden?
I see some of you little sheeple are in denial, how can you claim he didn't seem unglued to you?! He was about to pop a vein and he was practically yelling his answers to the reporters! His mouth was contorted the whole time cuz he was so pissed he didn't get his way with the torture issue! He's such an *** toward those poor nitwits in the press. He never answered the tough questions but instead repeated the same old tired rhetoric(double speak) just to kill time. Arrrrg, that villiage idiot is driving us loco, Help!!!!

Lord, when will this torture end for us liberal-minded people?!!!!
Reply:He is just anxious to start torturing people.
Reply:I am not hysterical is the word. Insane might be better. Clueless is another good one.

How can any sane person say something like "It's unacceptable to think that there's any kind of comparison between the behavior of the United States of America and the action of Islamic extremists who kill innocent women and children to achieve an objective." I mean, we've murdered thousands of inncent women and children to achieve some objective: better control in oil-producing countries...more american-business-friendly atmosphere (Central America), etc.

Sadly, most of the voting public chosses to either ignore this, or foolishly attempt to justify it.
Reply:I missed it, but I'm sure I'll see sound bites later.

Did little flecks of spittle fly? Was he red-faced with veins a-popping? Was baby ubbadubbya all upset because someone told him "no"?

Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll stroke out. Of course, that leaves us with Cheney. Ouch.
Reply:No, not really.
Reply:He was passionate
Reply:When you become president let me know what the job stress level is. I will be waiting.
Reply:Did not see any change.
Reply:Yes he went hysterical cause he was losing all his political support. First time he was more hysterical than when he picked up that pretzel.
Reply:Yeah...he's definitely losing it.

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